Export Calendars

Export Calendars

Export Jira Calendar to Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, etc

Most often we were asked to export calendar items to mobile devices, as well as to third-party applications, such as: microsoft outlook, apple calendar, google calendar. Finally, this functionality is available on all Cloud versions of the Doitbetter Calendar. A few simple steps to enable this feature for your users:


  1. Follow this link: https://BASEURL/plugins/servlet/ac/doitbetter.calendar/export-settings (Where BASEURL is the domain name of your Jira)

  2. Enable the ability to export calendars for your Jira.

  3. The "export" button appears in the top item of your calendar details. As a result, a unique link to the calendar export for the current user should be generated.

  1. Import Doitbetter Calendar into some calendars:
    Google Calendar - https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37100
    Apple Calendar - https://support.apple.com/guide/calendar/import-or-export-calendars-icl1023/mac
    Microsoft Outlook - https://support.office.com/en-us/article/import-or-subs


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