Google sync Configuration

Google sync Configuration

Google Side Configuration.

To configure sync, needed Google Calendar Client Secrets. You can generate it on the page:

To generate "Secrets":



  2. Enter the name of the application and organization (if your google account is corporate)


If you use a Google account of the organization, your application does not require Google verification.




3. Lets create OAuth Credentials:

  • Push “Create Credentials" button


  • Choose Application type, Name and Authorised redirect URIs:
    - Web Application
    - Calendar for Jira
    - YOURJIRAURL/rest/doitbetter-calendar/1.0/googleSync/oauth2callback


And click “Create" button.

4. As a result, you will receive a JSON-file with the Secret necessary for Jira configuration.


Jira Side configuration.


  • Go to Configuration->Manage apps-> DOITBETTER CALENDAR → Google Calendar settings

  • Past your Google Calendar Client Secrets from JSON file that you received above.

  • Click Submit